Monday, March 19, 2012

Parti Models

It was difficult for me to think of a parti or a model to reflect my idea of history. I first thought of history because of the area of Old Fulton Street. My original idea for a historic building would be a library with a court yard and was inspired by the Boston Public Library. I also was thinking of my study models and tried to incorporate my idea of views and focal points.

My parti slowly transformed into this idea of squares moving around to give me double height spaces, courtyard and outdoor spaces, and a better understanding of positive and negative space. I felt a little stuck with my history and courtyard idea so I tried to abstract it a little for more inspiration. I was encouraged to move the squares a to follow a grid pattern of the neighborhood such as maybe one square would reflect on the axis of the Brooklyn bridge and another on the lot for example.

My first attempt was six squares of the same size being skewed or rotated. I aligned the squares to align with other grid patterns such as the Brooklyn Bridge and Front Street. It is a little tall to be to scale but I liked the idea of some being aligned and some rotated. To me, it gives a look like a fanned out deck of cards. It’s looks nice but didn’t help me find or define any space within.

                     This second model I created is the one I like the most and probably the model I will further develop into my Library. It’s symmetrical which the first criticism I will receive is but it will be changing. I used six squares of different sizes and mad we them over lap and cross each other to make positive and negative spaces. I think this is the strongest of my three models because I see places that can become outdoor and/ or double height spaces. The height of this model is a little closer to scale too. I am going to see how my program and will work in this model and change it accordingly. Hierarchy of spaces will have to shine through this model and some squares may shrink or become larger making the model less symmetrical and more interesting.

This was my third model I created and it didn’t come out the way I thought it would. I was thinking that maybe the first floor would be two separate buildings so that Everit Street could still be functional or exist. The two buildings would then connect on the second floor making the second floor a major space. I also designed for the courtyard and open space but it wasn’t successful. It’s too symmetrical and doesn’t help me define interior space. It’s rather a plain shell that i dislike.

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