Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Study Models ( the good, the bad, the ugly)

This is supposed to be a flower representing how history is alive. I used tracing paper and parchment-like paper I created and wrinkled the paper to create the flower. There is a real bullet in the middle that is from Fort Tilden. It's like history is alive and blossoming. I was told it can also represent the effect of a bullet hitting something and its reaction and like it is ricocheting.
 I was trying to use my idea of a key unlocking history.I said that i believe through research and experience, we can unlock the mysteries of the past.
 Inside the box is scrolls that are unrolling, a cut rope from an opened letter and text along the inside. I was trying to show the history of writing or literature and it is emerging from the box. The scrolls are revealing themselves.
When speaking about what history means to me, I spoke of things that look old and aged. The material and how it looks can tell you some history. Silly me actually went to a craft store for inspiration for things that look old. I ended up picking up old wallpaper glued in the 70's. I also found  some rusty nails and pieces of plaster. All of this was in my house and to think i went to the craftstore.

I tried to make an old peeling wall with a mess of structure made of nails and wood behind it.

It was hard for me to think of models of distorted views or view that were deceiving or reflected.I thought of this game called Echochrome that I played for Play Station 3. The objective of the game is to move the object in your perspective so it’s possible to move across the level. From this first view, it looks like a complete rectangle but it’s not. i also tried to make it look like the broken rectangle is floating but it’s not; its being held up by twine.

My objective was to make something that the views are decieving. I got the idea but I dont think the model was that sucessful.


This is my impression of the intimidating overpass or the BQE while walking to the site. The teeth are a little bit much but I was trying to make the overpass look scary and congested. The other side is supposed to represent simple beauty and open space which I felt after walking past the overpasses to the site.

This was one of the bad and ugly ones. This model came from my idea of encroaching and intimidation. I thought of a little person with these large masses staring over and down on them so that’s what I made. It is quite literal especially with the googley eyes so I'm going to make a new one that’s more abstract and portrays the same kind of message. I got a good laugh from my professors though.

I was thinking cool breeze but it is to plain and literal. This is another one back in the making.


  1. I know this has nothing to do with your models, but I thought you might be interested in this article:

    1. 20 amazing bookstores, which are kind of like libraries so maybe this can give you more ideas.

  2. You have a great range of spatial explorations here, and in some ways they seem very independent of each other, in other ways not so much. It's great you plan to move forward with some more abstract renditions, as these will be more informative for you on the design level. It could open up some opportunities to see how some of the concepts relate, more precisely how they visually and spatially relate.

    One thing about your ideas of views being deceiving. I actually got that sense from the BQE model, the way the view is framed contradicts and visually interrupts the simple beauty on the outside. The 'teeth' may be literal but visually they have an impact, it's very jarring and dynamic in a frenzied way, especially as an enclosure. You may consider this model as half-way to abstract in that the teeth, because of their shape and the surrounding spatial condition, achieve what you're after (they could serve as visual cues).
